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Ramsgate Operatic Society

Registered charity no 109538



This code of conduct is designed to clarify the Society’s expectations on how members, performers, the production team and all volunteers should conduct themselves whilst involved in the activities of the Society. This code is particularly pertinent to rehearsals and stage performances.  By adhering to this code, the reputation of the Society and all involved will be upheld and protected.


Members are expected to:-


  • Treat everyone with respect.

  • Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.

  • Refrain from any behaviour that will bring the Society into disrepute.

  • Display control, respect and professionalism in all activities.

  • Refrain from any violent behaviour.


General behaviour


  • The Society will not tolerate discrimination, bullying, verbal or physical abuse or sexual harassment.

  • The Society will not discriminate on grounds of gender (including gender reassignment), size, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnic or national origins, religion or belief, pregnancy or disability.

  • All casting decisions will be made without discrimination other than where there is a genuine requirement to do so for artistic reasons.

  • Please also refer to the Society’s Equal Opportunities Policy for further clarification on discrimination.


Role of Director


The Director has overall responsibility for the performance. Along with the creative team, they have the right to select actors, volunteers, technicians and crew. Directors should be reasonable in their demands on time, energy, and enthusiasm of performers. In carrying out their role, directors will not act towards the cast members in a manner which could be construed as being overbearing or belittling. They also need to communicate the specific rehearsal and performance schedule to actors and crew. 


Role of Actors and Crew


  • All must make an effort to commit to rehearsals and performances.

  • They should learn their lines as quickly as possible.

  • Cooperate with the stage manager, production team and musical director.

  •  Always accept the director’s advice and instructions.

  • Actors should not direct other actors, unless invited to do so.

  • Be responsible for storing personal items and props appropriately.

  • Be on time for rehearsals and performances. (If members can’t attend on time, they need to notify the director themselves)

  • Be aware of and listen to all safety instructions.


Child/ Youth Actors


Please refer to the Society’s Safeguarding Policy in all matters concerning child or youth actors.




  • Alcohol and illegal drugs are NEVER to be consumed/taken prior to or during any performance, rehearsal or set strike. Alcohol can only be consumed by people of legal drinking age at social events.

  • Smoking is only permitted outside any venue in a designated smoking area only, (not in costume).

  • During performances only cast, Crew and front of house staff are allowed onstage and backstage. (Except during performances that invite audience members onto stage).

  • All members, cast, crew and volunteers must obey safety instructions given to them by authorised personnel at the performance venues.  

  • Please refer to the Society’s Health and Safety Policy for specific Health and Safety Issues.




The Committee reserve the right to apply sanctions on any member who disregards this code of conduct, dependent on severity of contravention. Sanctions could include, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension from specific productions, or complete withdrawal of membership.


If any member has a grievance against another member, this needs to be discussed firstly with a committee member. This way appropriate action can be taken quickly, discreetly and efficiently.

Ramsgate Operatic Society is a registered UK charity no.  1091538

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